Monday, February 23, 2009

February's been busy!

Delilah's been a busy little girl! She says all kinds of new things - "MY bear bear." "MY daddy." "MY Pele." "MY momma." So yeah she's into "My" now. Which is cute, but also just is what it is. And it's nice when she points to you and says "MY [insert what you are to her here]." It really is!

She also just started saying, "Want it!" As in, she walks over to the water bottle, says "Daddy water!" Yes, Delilah, that is Daddy's water. "Want it!" So ok you give her the water. "Num!" The water is yummy, isn't it? "Yeah." Yeah, it's a big cutie pie explosion going on. But also a big movement towards her getting that she's an "I" which is interesting. And she no longer is confused about "You" - meaning, she understands that "You" isn't the name of her when she appears in photographs, which is what she thought it was a few short months ago - she'd look at pictures of herself, and say that was pictures of "You," since that's who we kept saying it was - but we are instead referring to her, Delilah. I still speak in the 3rd person a lot of the time - "Can Daddy have the water bottle back now?" - but not ALL the time, and she seems to be starting to get that. Or maybe she just powers through without worrying about it overmuch; that's possible, also.

She also sings along to songs now. Here are a few videos I recorded with a flip video recorded thingie I got from someone at work. She sings along to the ABCs and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "The Wheels on the Bus" (though mostly just the "town" word in the line "All through the Town!", but still). And with no further ado:

The ABCs:

Twinkle Twinkle, take 1:

And twinkle twinkle, take 2, with her clearly starting to sing "little star" also. Aww:

And yeah she's just in her diaper in those last 2. And a shirt. Because she insists "Pants off!" a lot when she's home. And "Shirt off!" And actually "Diaper off!" as well. And "Jamas off" isn't too far behind - "Jamas" as in "PYjamas." Sometimes you can get her to go "Jamas ON" and "Diaper ON" but that requires some finagling. Though our music together class just gave us a new tool to get her to get dressed - this one song, where you sing basically, "Who is it getting her pants on, Who is it getting her shirt on? It's Delilah getting her pants on, it's Delilah getting her shirt on," or whatever you need to put in there. Yeah you can just use it to describe what's already going on, but this past morning it worked really well in convincing her to let us put on her new diaper & clothes! Which was great because she slept LATE - woke up around 8:15. Which means our baby alarm clock didn't wake us up on time!

And no I can't remember the melody to the song right now. Above is just a paraphrase of the song.

And that's all for the Delilah report right now. More soon...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Just opened up a blog for little Delilah, in these last 2 months of her first year. I'll just add a smattering of recent photos & such for now and then try to just write here occasionally about the little Delilah.


And these photos are all from around Christmas time - which shows how behind we are in our picture sendings. Whew!

And we have more with her cousin; we'll post more to shutterfly soon... sigh... so far behind with photos...

Annnnd... that's all for now. Just a quick introductory post. Hooray for Delilah!